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  Sunday, October 6, 2024
I wish I am the mighty eagle
And can soar against the skies
Where every heartache would seem little
As I watch from where I fly

I wish I am the lovely princess
From olden tales I have often read
Bathing with milk and honey, no less
Gold and velvet pillows for my head

I wish I am the gentle dolphin
The waters of mystery are my home
Where I swim freely to the places I have been
And fear not the depths I call my own

I wish I am the will o' the wisp
And run with the wind on my face
I will clutch my freedom
And bear my heart with stately grace

But, mostly, I wish I am a star
That glimmers brightly so
As I will watch from afar
And away from this place that I know...

29th October 1997
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