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  Sunday, October 6, 2024
When anthuriums and waling walings come to bloom
I know it is time to smile
The sun had wandered into their little rooms
Where the heart can dance awhile

When our eagles fly again with the wind
With a strength that once was almost lost
Hope flutters tangibly within my breast
And all my doubts are laid to rest

When the oceans visit our endless shores
The cleansing waves lapping at my feet
I am content to hear the water's quiet roar
And feel the sweet air that I may breathe

When the air fills with the fragrance of our fruits
The mangoes, pomelos and Heaven's durian
I feel the strong pull of my earthy roots
Where I feel the music of a faerie dance

And when the city opens up the cloudless night
With bright pinpoints of color that entrances me
I am comforted and serene at those lights
Knowing, as I lay to sleep, that I am home, happily.

12th November 1997
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