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  Sunday, October 6, 2024
there are songs in my head
floating in the mists of memories
I reach for them
or perhaps
they reach for me
the notes of random melodies
as gossamer webs
as the tears of summer nights

ballads of a lonely moonbeam
siren songs from way beyond
blues around a coffee table
jazz from a distant saxophone
images of the tunes that played
in a noisy ballroom

yesterdays and present-days
like the notes in my mind
sing of times when love visited
when delight danced with comfort
when sadness touched our hearts
when sorrow meandered in our lives
when hope waved brightly

Then the future intrudes
with melodies both new and old
we will forget
we will remember
laughter and tears
fears and hopes
in fields of gold and green
and we will listen once again
for the songs
that touch our hearts
and paint the memories...

25th August 2000
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