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  Sunday, October 6, 2024
True friends are the vital guiding Essence
To Life’s constantly unending journey
Where realms of unknown denizens
Come to hover, so near, mercilessly
True friends are the Guardians of Laughter
That we need through troubled climes
To keep us warm through the cold of winter
And to soften our hearts in empty times

True friends are the secret Wells of Eternal
That keep the flowers of Youth from
Where we can drink from the Waters of Rest
And watch the Phoenix rise from its burning nest.

True friends are the sturdy anchors of wind-touched ships
Whilst the ancient gods remain obscurely silent in their sleep
That holds us firm as we danced to a caressing
And lead us where Home is more than a forgotten

True friends are the faithful Keepers of our Frailty
Never to judge as we wandered away in our blindness
But keeps watch for the Night that falls unbearably
And stays near as we answer the calls of Sadness

And true friends are the rarest of the treasures of Heaven
Which the Provider Himself had carved with unusual care
A gift, a reminder to earth’s mortal beasts and men
That Friendship, as Love, is all we must faithfully share…

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