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  Sunday, October 6, 2024
The water laps gently against the shore
And my love has turned too deep
Hush, hush, murmur no more
My love has gone to sleep

The sun had set with colors rare
The angels had hummed the evening rain
Hush, hush, watch the ships passing there
And find the place where my love has lain

Sing gently my silent lullaby
Churn away the weariness from his bones
Hum gently my sweet goodbye
At my love whose love was known

Let the soft breeze caress his cheeks
As the dark water shifted calmly
And I will no longer hear him speak
Hush, my love has gone away from me

Hurl your flowers at faceless Fate
My love will not turn to see
So, hush, hush, it is too late
My love sleeps without me

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